
  • After years on the run, the mystery man known as Trick is back, but not on his own terms. Trick finds hims…
  • After a governor issues an executive order to arrest the children of undocumented immigrants, the newly de…
  • Three friends decide to play The Red Book game. What they don't know is that in the house, evil is waiting…
  • 导演FranckRichard第一次触电长片便是这部《LaMeute》。该片集科幻与恐怖、神怪与惊悚于一体。被影片联合导演Fr…
  • 露西(MylèneJampanoï饰)童年时被一神秘组织绑架,在那一年的黑暗岁月里,她饱受折磨。最终她趁守卫不注意逃脱…
  • 年轻的难民夫妻历经磨难,终于逃出战火肆虐的南苏丹,却难以适应在英格兰小镇的新生活,此地似乎有一股难言的邪恶…
  • 摩根兄弟用在马路边发现的尸体作为公司肥料的原材,获益匪浅。雷哲摩根路遇三个汽车抛锚的年轻人并决定载他们一程…
  • 一群情侣来到偏僻小岛上,他们想要在这里修复彼此之间糟糕的关系,万万没想到的是,有六个头的怪鲨鱼正在对他们虎…
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