
  •   一场突如其来的鼠疫在德国科隆降临。一时之间,街道、下水道、家里、垃圾堆,到处都堆满了老鼠。一例例被感染…
  • <p>  巴罗尼斯夫人出落得亭亭玉立的女儿麦瑞闯进鲁道夫王子的生活。在与麦瑞私奔的落脚行宫梅耶林,鲁道…
  •   一名过气冰上曲棍球教练,在麻州小镇中领导一队二流球队辗转作战,终于在最后一场比赛中挽回他失落的名声。这…
  • 年轻的德国女警埃尔克在捷克边境一次例行车辆检查中无意间击毙了一个违抗了警方指令的捷克年轻人。埃尔克因此被警…
  • link and his brother flee their abusive father and embark on a journey where link discovers his sexuality …
  • A married couple raising two daughters find themselves in a mid life crisis where grief and attraction thr…
  • Severalyounggirlswerekilled.PolicemanMatthaeitravelstotheregionwhereithappenedandsearchesachildthatlookssi…
  •   Ten directors of a new generation of filmmakers tell how differently people …
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