
  • 农村少女萨琪因为五个未婚夫的接连意外被村里人称为“衰神萨琪”,却又因为出色的天赋被选为职业射击运动员,她能…
  • 马赫什(迈赫什·巴布 Mahesh Babu 饰)在父母去世后在美国长大,并创办了一家贷款机构。 马赫什采用了一种相当暴…
  • Kaaliyan has a sister who marries a young man without the permission from Kaaliyan and moves to Kolkata wi…
  • The community that was exploited by the town's influential man, who completely rules due to the powerful b…
  • “Dasara” tells the tale of socio economic conditions, political ambitions and …
  • It is a spine chilling tale of a pregnant mother who sets out on a dangerous mission to unravel the myster…
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