
  • The contemporary story of Chinese New Zealand-born over-achiever Emily Chu, raised to believe she can get …
  • 一部探讨中国文化与西方文化的碰撞,中国父母子女关系与西方个人自由之间的矛盾与融合的电影。剧中女主演对爱情的…
  • 因纽特部落的酋长之女马伊娜(Roseanne Supernault 饰),英勇善战,足智多谋。领地闯入了来自北方的入侵者——一…
  • 八年前,一场病毒性瘟疫席卷了人类,短短几周,病毒就使99%的男性死亡,剩余 1%被送往新西兰,但最终都没有活下…
  • In the not too distant future, a viral plague has swept the earth. In a matter of weeks, it decimated 99% …
  •  In the not too distant future, a viral plague has swept the earth. In a matter…
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